Are You Ready?
Making a decision about when to seek Long-Term Care is often complicated because it concerns both your needs and abilities, and the resources of caregivers. There is no simple rule to tell when the time has come. Each situation presents a unique blend of care needs and resources. The North East LHIN (Local Health Integrated Network) in your area will be able to assist and guide you through this decision making process.
The NELHIN admits all our residents through a referral process. If you are eligible for admission to a Long-Term Care home, the NELHIN will co-ordinate your application and you will be asked to select your top choices of Homes.
NELHIN can be reached at 705-840-2872 ext. 225 or 1-866-906-5446 or
When you are ready, we’d love to show you everything that Cassellholme has to offer.