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Main Floor Map

Click the map to see it larger.

Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

Send-A- Card



1. Choose a category and click CREATE A CARD NOW

2. Fill in the form [To, From, Unit, Room#]

3. Choose a picture and border colour

4. Write a short message for under the picture and another for the right side

5. Add an emoji

6. Click PREVIEW [this may take up to 30 seconds] to see your card or CHANGE CATEGORY to choose a different theme altogether

You have two options from there:

7a. Click MAKE CHANGES to go back to the form 

7b. Click SEND CARD – [this may take up to 30 seconds] it’ll be emailed, printed, folded and delivered

We welcome any feedback during the beta testing, email us.



Respiratory outbreak declared on the 2nd Floor

READ MOREAbout Respiratory outbreak declared on the 2nd Floor

Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

READ MOREAbout Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

Job Fair – July 8th

READ MOREAbout Job Fair – July 8th

Time to Meet