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Main Floor Map

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Residents' Handbook

If you can't find the info you need on the website, email questions@cassellholme.ca 

Employee forms

  1. Click the PDF FORM option for the document you want to submit.
  2. Download the form.
  3. You can either: 
  • fill in the form electronically [donation form must be printed] and email it to the address indicted at the bottom of the form
  • or print the form, fill it in and deliver it to the indicated office at Cassellholme

A rack of pre-printed forms is available [as usual] outside the Human Resources/Administration office. You can still pick these forms up, fill them out and drop them in the mailbox as before.

Electronic Tax [T4] Consent Form

PDF Form

Sick Leave

PDF Form

Emergency Leave

PDF Form

Banked Stat Hours

PDF Form

Information Release

PDF Form

Employee Donations

PDF Form

There are three options:
  1. Download, print, complete and submit* to the third party provider [address/instructions on the form] or drop in the mailbox outside the Human Resources/Administration office.
  2. Pick up a pre-printed form, complete and mail to the third party provider [address on the form] or drop off outside the Human Resources/Administration office.
  3. Electronically download, complete and submit* online.

* NOTE:   Some third party forms can be uploaded electronically to MyBenefits.ca, if you set up an account.

Dental Claim [Maximum Benefit]

PDF Form [right click to download]

Prescripition Claim [Telus Health]

PDF Form [right click to download]

Extended Health Claim [Maximum Benefit]

PDF Form [right click to download] Note: Firm/Division #42996


Respiratory outbreak declared on the 2nd Floor

READ MOREAbout Respiratory outbreak declared on the 2nd Floor

Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

READ MOREAbout Butterfly Release Saturday, July 13th

Job Fair – July 8th

READ MOREAbout Job Fair – July 8th

Time to Meet