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Residents' Handbook

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The Nutrition & Food Service Staff prepare, cook and serve over 275,000 nutritious meals annually for our Residents and community clients. Menus are developed by qualified dieticians and meet the therapeutic and texture modification needs of our Residents.

Daily and weekly meal time menus are posted outside each dining room. Choices are offered at breakfast, lunch and supper.

Nutritious snacks are provided between meals and before bedtime. Resident’s may access kitchenettes for beverages, etc. Family members are welcome to enjoy a meal with Residents. Meal tickets can be purchased at the General Store ($6.50) at least one hour prior to the meal.

The Dietitian sees all Residents on admission and develops a personalized nutritional care plan. Each Resident’s nutritional care plan is reviewed quarterly by the Dietitian or Support Services Coordinator.

The Resident Council reviews the menus, meal and snack times. The Council allows for positive changes to be made to meal service and to ensure Resident satisfaction. The goal is to provide a pleasant, homelike atmosphere during mealtimes.

Residents and family members are encouraged to join the Food Committee and share their comments and ideas. The Food Committee meets twice a year to plan and review the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter menu cycles.

There are two choices of menu items posted for each meal. If you do not wish either selection, the following food items are offered in addition. Advance notice will ensure timely delivery. If you order at the table there will be a delay.

  1. Grilled chicken breast with sides from the daily menu
  2. Egg salad sandwich on white or whole wheat bread
  3. Soup of the day with crackers or bread if desired
  4. Cereal


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