Residents' Council
This is your home... Have your say!
If you live at Cassellholme and want to support our goal of continuous improvement in care - join the Resident Council Committee! Simply speak to an activity staff member to get started.
Resident Council Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday, every month, in the Auditorium at 12:00 noon. A lunch is served followed by the meeting.
This is a place to connect with others, talk about your experiences at Cassellholme, and receive information regarding the general operation of the Home.
The goals of participation also include:
- a chance to address issues of concern;
- making suggestions to the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care; and
- assisting with proposals for changes.
A printed copy of the Minutes of the Resident Council meetings are posted on the Resident Council information board on the main floor, or see below to download the PDFs.
Cassellholme is a member of the Ontario Association of Residents' Councils.